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Impact Fees

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Impact Fees

As defined by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, impact fees are a one-time charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the cost of capital improvements (waterlines, sewer lines, streets, etc.) that are attributable to the new development. Impact fees are assessed at final plat and collected with the building permit.
The City of College Station adopted system-wide Impact Fees for water, wastewater, and roadways in the latter part of 2016. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code, the 5-year update was completed on November 22, 2021. Revised land use assumptions and capital improvements plans were adopted including resultant maximum assessable impact fees and associated collection rates.  Service areas for water and wastewater were also adjusted with the update.  Links to the presentations and videos from the meetings held during the update are provided in 5-Year Impact Fee Update section.

 **UPDATE** Residential impact fee collection rates were amended in July of 2023 to provide for annual increases to water and roadway impact fees over the next three years, beginning January 1, 2024. 

Impact Fee Service Areas

The impact fee water service area is defined by the portion of the City’s water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) that falls within the existing City Limits. The wastewater service area for impact fees is defined similarly, with exclusions of bio-corridor and east side sewer areas. The roadway impact fee service area is bounded by the entire city limits, but is broken into four service areas. State law requires that impact fees be calculated, collected, and spent within defined service areas. Exhibits depicting these service areas are provided below.

Impact Fee Tables

State law has specific requirements for the implementation of impact fees including the fee assessment and fee collection. In short, impact fees are typically assessed on the date that the subject lot's Final Plat is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The impact fees are typically collected with the Building Permit. Water and Wastewater Impact Fees are both based on the size and number of water meter(s). Water Impact Fees apply to both domestic and irrigation meters. Roadway Impact Fees are based on the estimated traffic generated from the associated use. 

Maximum assessable impact fees and related collection rates have been adopted by College Station for water, wastewater, and roadways. The adopted maximum impact fee is assessed with the Final plat. The impact fee due with the building permits is based on the collection rate in effect at the time of the building permit. Tables for  water, wastewater, and roadway impact fees are provided below.

Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plans (CIP)

Water, Wastewater and Roadway Capital Improvements Plans (CIP) were developed from the City of College Station Water Master Plan, Wastewater Master Plan and Thoroughfare Plan, respectively. The identified projects will provide necessary utility and street capacity improvements to meet growth in the 10-year period between 2021-2031. The list of identified CIP projects and associated maps are provided below.    

"System-Wide" Impact Fee Reports

In early 2021, City Council engaged engineering consultants to begin the necessary impact fee 5-year updates. Freese and Nichols was hired as the consultant for the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee updates. Similarly, Kimley-Horn and Associates prepared the Roadway Impact Fees Update Report. The initial system-wide impact fee were adopted in 2016.  Below are the final impact fee update reports and the reports from the initial adoption in 2016.

 5-Year Impact Fee Study Updates

As per state law, impact fee studies are to be updated at least every 5 years. College Station adopted system-wide impact fees for water, wastewater and roadway in 2016 and is in process of updating each of these studies. The Impact Fee Advisory Committee (IFAC) is designated to provide feedback and comments for the update. Below are links to update presentations and videos:

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