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City of College Station Election Day notes

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City of College Station Election Day notes
Posted on 11/02/2020

Among Brazos County's 25 Election Day vote centers (Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.) are three City of College Station facilities:

College Station City Hall*
1101 Texas Avenue

College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility
1603 Graham Road

Lincoln Recreation Center
1000 Eleanor

*Due to construction of the future College Station City Hall (behind the current city hall), parking at that location will be limited. College Station PD will assist with traffic flow, and many city employees will work from home that day to free up as many spaces as possible for voters. [SEE MAP]

A complete list of Election Day vote centers throughout Brazos County is available at

A variety of safety protocols will be in place at all vote centers. Physical distancing will be required for those waiting in line, hand sanitizer will be available inside voting areas, and sanitized pencils will be handed out so erasers can be used to navigate a voting machine’s touch screen. Masks covering the nose and mouth are strongly encouraged; however, Governor Greg Abbott specifically designated polling locations as an exemption to his statewide mask mandate.

Curbside voting for the elderly, disabled or immunocompromised is permitted at all Brazos County vote centers; however, only four locations will have designated election workers ready to receive curbside voters. Those locations are:

Brazos Center
3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan

Brazos County Administration Building
200 South Texas Ave., Bryan

College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility
1603 Graham Road

First Baptist Church - Bryan
3100 Cambridge Drive

Through 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 3, absentee ballots must be hand-delivered to postal workers – not placed in a mailbox -- at the Bryan Post Office or the College Station Post Office. Those ballots then will be delivered to the Brazos County Election Administrator’s Office.

Brazos Transit District will offer free rides on all fixed route services to help citizens reach the polls on Election Day. Click here to find your nearest fixed route.

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 5:30 p.m.

Absentee, military and provisional ballots received on time and determined to be qualified will be counted and added to the early voting and Election Day totals.

Thursday, Nov. 12
College Station City Council election results will be canvassed. Newly elected members to Places 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be sworn-in to their respective council seats.

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