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Stage 1 Water Restrictions Effective Tuesday

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College Station initiates Stage 1 water restrictions under drought contingency plan
Posted on 08/21/2023
Restrictions Graphic

By the City of College Station

Effective Tuesday, the City of College Station is initiating Stage 1 mandatory water restrictions under the city's Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Plan.

Recent high temperatures have led to near-record water demand and moved Brazos County into severe drought with elevated fire danger. Current conditions require restrictions for College Station water system customers to ensure public health and safety if water lines break, a large fire occurs, or equipment malfunctions.

Stage 1 can be enacted when the three-day average daily water consumption reaches 85% of our production/distribution capacity. The mandatory measures under Stage 1 are designed to reduce daily demand by five percent and keep it under 85% of system capacity.

Read the Blog: College Station initiates Stage 1 water restrictions under city's drought contingency plan

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