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College Station Police Department - About CSPD

The Administrative Services Bureau includes many different divisions within the department that supplement and enhance the overall operations of the department. These include the Information Services Division, the Communications Division, the Support Services Division, and Technical Services. The Administrative Services Bureau is under the command of Assistant Chief James Arnold.

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Welcome From the Chief of Police


Chief Billy Couch

On behalf of the men and women of the College Station Police Department, I would like to personally welcome you to the website for the College Station Police Department.

Our Department is comprised of highly motivated employees who possess the highest standards of ethics and integrity and it is these qualities that create the foundation of our ability to deliver a variety of essential police services.

As we move forward, our commitment to our departmental goals remain the same:

  • To Reduce Crime
  • To Reduce the Fear of Crime
  • To Build and Maintain Effective Partnerships
  • To Improve the Overall Quality of Life in the Community

We have an exciting future ahead of us with several initiatives, including the implementation of new technologies, as well as efforts to expand our facilities in order to be best prepared for our growing community.

Every day, we will continually work to provide the best service and a safe and secure environment. We will strive to keep you informed of activity within our City and our Department and the people and issues that affect the law enforcement profession.

I invite you to browse through the various pages and learn about the many programs and services we provide the community. The men and women of CSPD, which serve and protect you on a daily basis, are proud of their accomplishments and this site will provide you with an overview of our operations; as a CALEA accredited agency we continue to strive for excellence.

Your thoughts and comments are not only welcome but also are very important in helping us achieve our policing mission. Whether you live or work in College Station or are just visiting, you should know that we stand ready to serve. I welcome your feedback and thank you for visiting our website, please come back often!

Billy Couch 
Chief of Police


    Accountability is essential, not just to the police profession, but for being accountable to the community we serve. The College Station Police Department’s mission is “To Protect and Serve with Excellence.” The members of our organization are committed to that mission and strive to serve all with dignity and respect.

    All peace officers in the State of Texas are licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE), a regulatory State agency that establishes and enforces standards to ensure the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications personnel.

    The College Station Police Department has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) since 1991, adhering to the best practices and highest standards in our industry. That means we continually review our policies and practices to ensure our officers conduct themselves with the highest level of professionalism and integrity.


    The College Station Police Department strives to serve our community with excellence. We do this by following established best practices and through constant communication with members of our community.


    The College Station Police Department has been a Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) accredited Law Enforcement agency since 1991. The department holds an Advanced certification as well as a Meritorious designation.

    CALEA accreditation is the cornerstone that distinguishes the College Station Police Department with qualities of professionalism, stewardship, integrity, diversity, continuous improvement, objectivity, credibility, consistency, knowledge, experience, accountability, and collaboration. CSPD maintains programs for both law enforcement and public safety communications.


    The Communication Division was the first such accredited program in the State of Texas in 2003 and continues to be accredited today.

    The processes involved in law enforcement and public safety communications accreditation address all administrative, management, and service-delivery aspects of the department's operations and are designed to increase citizen and employee confidence in the goals, objectives, policies, and practices of the College Station Police Department.

    CALEA accepts comments through a Public Comment Portal. The purpose of this public portal is to receive comments regarding the agency's compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the community, delivery of public safety services, and overall candidacy for accredited status. These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide the participating agency with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence.

    IMPORTANT: CALEA is not an investigatory body and subsequently the public portal should not be used to submit information for such purposes. Additionally, there will be no response other than acknowledgement to submissions; however, the information will be considered in context to its relevancy to compliance with standards and the tenets of CALEA® Accreditation.

    Leave a comment

    Biased Based Policing Policy

    Members of the College Station Police Department will not engage in any activities that are discriminatory or indicative of the practice of bias based policing. Personnel will focus on the behavior of individuals and/or specific suspect information in taking police action. Individuals will not be targeted for enforcement action, detention, field contacts, asset seizure and forfeiture, or interdiction solely on the basis of race, ethnic background, national origin, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, age, cultural group or any other identifiable group. Appropriate corrective action will be taken, after investigation, against any employee who engages in bias based policing. Such an investigation may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

    Any person who believes they have been targeted by the College Station Police Department for biased based policing may file a complaint. The complaint can be filed anytime by email, mail, in person or telephone. If you come into the department to file a complaint, you will usually meet with an available on duty supervisor. A CSPD Compliments and Complaints pamphlet is available in the lobby of the PD and City Hall for further information. The complaint will be thoroughly examined by the assigned investigator, reviewed by the chain of command and then forwarded to a Chief for the final disposition. The person who filed the complaint will be notified as to the results of the investigation.

    [email protected]
    College Station Police Department
    C/O Internal Affairs
    800 Krenek Tap Road
    College Station, Texas 77840

    Biased Based Policing Annual Reports

    Texas Government Code
    Sec. 614.022. COMPLAINT TO BE IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY COMPLAINANT. To be considered by the head of a state agency or by the head of a fire department or local law enforcement agency, the complaint must be:
    (1)  in writing; and
    (2)  signed by the person making the complaint.


    It is the policy of this department that all complaints against employees or the department, received from any source whether inside or outside the department, including anonymous complaints, will be documented and investigated. It is the intent of this policy to: 

    1. Protect the employee, the community, and the department 
    2. To identify and correct inappropriate behavior 
    3. To identify and remedy procedural problems and 
    4. To enhance the profession of law enforcement.


    Those incidents, which involve a difference of opinion between a police officer and a citizen, solely over the guilt or innocence of an offense, shall not be investigated officially. Complainants in such cases shall be advised to pursue adjudication through the court system. 

    Any person aware of the misconduct of a College Station Police Department employee may file a complaint. The complaint can be filed anytime by email, mail, in person or telephone. If you come into the department to file a complaint, you will usually meet with an available on duty supervisor. A CSPD Compliments and Complaints pamphlet is available in the lobby of the PD and City Hall for further information. The complaint will be thoroughly examined by the assigned investigator, reviewed by the chain of command and then forwarded to a Chief for the final disposition. The person who filed the complaint will be notified as to the results of the investigation. 

    [email protected]
    College Station Police Department
    C/O Internal Affairs
    800 Krenek Tap Road
    College Station, Texas 77840

    Internal Affairs Annual Reports

    Texas Government Code
    Sec. 614.022. COMPLAINT TO BE IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY COMPLAINANT. To be considered by the head of a state agency or by the head of a fire department or local law enforcement agency, the complaint must be:
    (1)  in writing; and
    (2)  signed by the person making the complaint.


    We know the employees of the College Station Police Department protect and serve with excellence and want to hear about it. If you would like to commend an employee, employees, division or the department, you may do so anytime by email, mail, in person or telephone. If you come into the department to file a compliment, you will usually meet with an available on duty supervisor. A CSPD Compliments and Complaints pamphlet is available in the lobby of the PD and City Hall for further information.

    [email protected]
    College Station Police Department
    C/O Internal Affairs
    800 Krenek Tap Road
    College Station, Texas 77840


    Our Citizens Police Academy is a 10-week interactive program designed to offer an inside look at your local police department and the criminal justice system.

    CSPD seeks to recruit and hire good people who possess a servant’s heart and dedicate themselves to continuous improvement. We want our personnel to serve with compassion, respect, and kindness. We are fully committed to character-based hiring and enlisting employees who will adhere to the highest level of professional service and standards. More about employment with CSPD

    More Opportunities, including information about National Night Out, student internships, and our volunteer program.

    Open Records

    CSPD publishes several Annual Reports, including the CSPD Annual Report, an Internal Affairs Statistical Summary, and a Biased Based Policing (Racial Profiling / Sandra Bland Act) Report.

    Current news about CSPD, significant activity, and in-progress public safety incidents affecting College Station is published to Twitter at Recently reported criminal or significant activity is available for on-demand viewing or email subscription through Crime Mapping.

    More about submitting an Open Records Request (to request public records under the Texas Public Information Act)

    Use of Force

    Each year, we average about 100,000 citizen contacts, which lead to the use of force about 100 times.

    In a blog post (published 6/22/2020) CSPD's Police Chief Billy Couch discusses our best practices and policies in response to questions we'd been receiving regarding unbiased policing, body-worn cameras, complaints, recruiting and training, and use of force.

    Some residents have asked us about specific use-of-force policy recommendations, as presented by
    Here’s how CSPD policies specifically apply to those eight proposals: '8 Can't Wait' Response (PDF).

    Many questions can also be answered by examining our Use of Force Policy (PDF).

    CSPD documents and investigates all complaints, regardless of whether the source comes from inside or outside the police department. That includes anonymous complaints. Our policy protects the community, our personnel, and the department while identifying and correcting inappropriate behavior or policy issues. 

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