Dedicated to providing safe and decent affordable housing, the City of College Station along with other non-profit agencies is committed to assisting low- and moderate-income families in College Station. The City offers grant and loan assistance programs serving homeowners and homebuyers. In addition, the City supports local non-profit agencies providing assistance to homeowners, tenants, and homebuyers. All city housing programs have income requirements. View the current Income Limits.
NEW CONSTRUCTION: With Federal funds through the HOME Program, the City is able to provide newly constructed affordable housing. Often working with non-profits like Community Housing Development Organizations and Habitat for Humanity, the City also partners and supports affordable housing development.
DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: The Down Payment Assistance Program provides a non-interest bearing, deferred, shared equity, gap financing loan of up to 30% of the purchase price for a down payment to income-eligible homebuyers.
TENANT BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE: The City administers this program that offers security deposit assistance to eligible individuals and families in College Station.
HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER PROGRAM: Brazos Valley Council of Governments administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program, the federal government's major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to rent decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. To learn more contact the Brazos Valley Council of Governments.
HOUSING MINOR REPAIR PROGRAM: Minor repair assistance is provided through a grant of up to $20,000 on owner-occupied homes that require necessary but minor repairs.
HOUSING REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM: Rehabilitation assistance provides a loan of up to $50,000 to complete major repairs to owner-occupied homes.
HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION LOAN PROGRAM: Housing reconstruction assistance provides a loan up to $150,000 to demolish and reconstruct a substandard home for eligible homeowner-occupied homes.
BRAZOS VALLEY COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS: BVCAP's Energy and Housing Services assist eligible households through a variety of programs including: Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), Weatherization, Appliance Replacement Program, and Crisis Program providing assistance with utility bills for eligible families.
CODE ENFORCEMENT: Tenants are entitled to safe and decent housing. A tenant occupied building is required by law to provide essential services. Learn more or report a condition.
2-1-1: Dial 2-1-1 on your phone to connect to an operator that will help find services you are looking for including: child care, clothing or food, housing assistance/shelters/transportation, financial assistance and employment services and mental health services.
Here is a guide which explains what to do if you can't pay your mortgage: Homeowner's Guide to Success
The City of College Station is committed to affirmatively further fair housing within its jurisdiction. Toward that end, we urge all housing providers – owners, agents, lenders, buildings, landlords, advertisers, and housing organizations of all types to keep fair housing issues in mind when dealing with your clients, customers, and the public. Learn more.