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Burn Permit

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Under certain circumstances and specific conditions, the Fire Marshal's Office may issue a burn permit that allows citizens to conduct open burning within the city limits.

All burn permit requests must be submitted electronically through the eTRAKiT system


To receive access to eTRAKiT, send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

  • Type BURN PERMIT REQUEST in subject line.
  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number
  • Physical and Mailing Address
  • Email Address

Once staff enters you into the system, you'll receive an email with login information. You'll have to change your password the first time you log in. 

If you need assistance using eTRAKiT, please contact Planning and Development Services at 979.764.3570.


  1. Review the special conditions listed below.
  2. Log into eTRAKiT.
  3. Select Apply/New Permit.
  4. Permit Type: Fire Inspection Permit; Subtype: Burn
  5. You must contact the College Station Fire Marshal's Office at 979.764.3705 to schedule an on-site inspection at least 24 hours prior to burning.


These conditions reflect guidelines set forth by TCEQ and CSFD Fire Marshal's Office

  1. Burning shall be commenced only when the wind will carry smoke and other pollutants away from any city, town, residential, recreational, commercial, or industrial area, navigable water, public road, or landing strip which may be affected by the smoke.
  2. Burning shall not be conducted when a shift in wind direction is predicted which could produce adverse effects to persons, animals, or property during the burning period.
  3. If at any time the burning causes or may tend to cause smoke to blow into or across a roadway or highway, it is the responsibility of the person initiating the burning to post flag-person on affected roads in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Public Safety.
  4. The burning must be at least 300 feet (90 meters) from any adjacent properties which have residential, recreational, commercial or industrial use.
  5. The initiation of burning shall commence no earlier than one hour after sunrise and the fire shall be completely out one hour prior to sunset on the same day. No additional material will be added to the fire after 3 p.m.
  6. Burning shall not commence when the surface wind speed is predicted to be less than 6 M.P.H. (5 knots) or greater than 23 M.P.H. (20 knots) during the burn period.
  7. Heavy oils, asphaltic materials, items containing natural or synthetic rubber, or any material other than dry plant growth which may produce unreasonable amounts of smoke must not be burned.
  8. The burn site must be attended continuously and fire control equipment must be available for the duration of the burning.
  9. All reasonable safety precautions will be followed.
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