These are the Social Media Terms of Use for College Station Fire Department in College Station, Texas. Social media sites are monitored and managed by the College Station Fire Department. This page is NOT monitored on a 24-hour basis. This page is not a form of two-way communication. This page is a limited public forum. By using the Social Media Site you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- A posting on this page constitutes acceptance of these terms.
- In case of emergency call 9-1-1. For non-emergencies call dispatch at 979.764.3700.
- Do not use this page to report a crime or file complaints. If you post information related to a crime you may be a witness, subject yourself to subpoena and may endanger yourself or others.
- The College Station Fire Department does not endorse any third-party comments on this Social Media Site. Posters must keep comments related to content on this page.
- The College Station Fire Department reserves the right to remove or block any poster, material, information or comments that may be: inappropriate, off-topic, offensive, defamatory, abusive, harassment, stalking, threatening, violating the legal rights of others, supporting or opposing political candidates, political organizations or ballot propositions, racist, hatred, slander, threats, obscenity, profanity, violence, vulgarity, spam or advertisements, harming the safety or well-being of City employees, personal attacks, have personal information about another person or that violating a person’s privacy, violating copyrighted material belonging to another person, or containing links to inappropriate websites.