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Neighborhood Services

Neighborhood Services maintains collaborative partnerships between neighborhoods, community organizations and the City of College Station. By registering your neighborhood or homeowner association with the Neighborhood Services, your association is eligible for resources and assistance from the city. Associations have the opportunity to develop regular communication with staff regarding area development and city services.

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Mosquito Tablets Mosquito Abatement Program

One of the most environmentally-friendly and effective ways to protect yourself and loved ones from mosquito-borne diseases is by utilizing mosquito dunks. A mosquito dunk is an easy-to-use, safe and non-toxic tablet, which kills larvae. These dunks are suited for addressing common mosquito breeding sites around residential properties.

College Station Neighborhood Neighborhood Grant Program

The Strong and Sustainable Neighborhood Grant Program assists neighborhood and homeowner associations with projects, ranging from signage to community gardens. This umbrella program consists of both the Neighborhood Grant Program and the Gateway Grant Program.

College Station Neighborhood Neighborhood Partnership Program

Through the Neighborhood Partnership Program the Office of Neighborhood Services maintains regular contact with registered Neighborhood Associations (NA) and Homeowner Associations (HOA). Associations are requested to submit updated information on an annual basis at the time of their association elections.

    ​Addressing Noise Complaints

    College Station's Noise Ordinance clearly states that, It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully make, cause or allow continued any "loud noise" that because of its volume level, duration or character annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, health, peace or safety of reasonable persons of ordinary sensibilities within the limits of the City. Quieter standards shall prevail during the night-time hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

    Here are some things to know:

    • If you find yourself in a situation that violates the standards set by our City's Ordinance, please contact the College Station Police Department's non-emergency number, 979-764-3600.

    • It is important that you call the first time noise becomes an issue so that it can be noted that there is a history of complaints at the particular location.

    • The officer must observe the violation in order to issue a citation.

    • A noise violation can be anything from a loud party to a loud vehicle.

    • When in doubt, give us a call!

    Nuisance Animal Complaints

    According to College Station City Ordinance, an animal shall be considered a nuisance if it damages, soils, defiles or defecates on private property other than the owner's or on public areas, unless such waste is immediately removed and disposed of; causes unsanitary,dangerous or offensive conditions; creates a disturbance by excessive barking or other animal noise which would offend a person of ordinary sensibilities under the same or similar circumstances; or chases, molests, attacks or interferes with persons or other domestic animals on public property or the private property of others.

    Animal Control Officers are responsible for responding to emergencies, nuisances and threats concerning animals and fowl within the city limits. You can contact them at 979.764.3600.

    Other circumstances for which animal control should be contacted:

    • All dog and cat bites.

    • "High risk" animal bites by those animals which have a high probability of transmitting rabies; they include skunks, bats, foxes and raccoons.

    • "Other" animal bites (other than a dog or cat) that are not classified as "high risk"

    • Suspected animal abuse.

    * The Animal Control Unit is not a pest control service. Please call a professional service company for mice or insects.

    For more information on the City of College Station's Animal Control and ordinances, visit Animal Control.

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